Understanding your spine
Your spine is made up of 4 parts: Bones, Discs, Nerves & Soft Tissue (Muscle).
Which part of the spine can be regenerated?

The body cannot build a new bone. The spine has 33 vertebrae and it can not build a new one at any stage.

The body cannot generate or build a new nerve in the spine.

The spine has 23 discs and the body cannot regenerate a new disc at any age.

Soft tissue (muscle tissue) is the only tissue in your spine that you can regenerate and build at any age.
Tips for your spine

Does excess weight cause Back Pain?
“People with higher body mass index are at greater risk to experience chronic back pain.”
Excess body weight can interfere with your health in plenty of ways. It increases the risk of heart diseases, lowers life expectancy and brings in a whole lot of health issues for the patient.
It’s highly likely that your back pain is caused due to higher body weight. Even the stats suggest the same since the number of obese population in India has doubled in the last ten years and so has the number of back pain patients.

Are MRIs and X-rays enough to diagnose the cause of back pain?
It is common for most doctors to advise imaging tests like MRI or X-ray to determine the cause of back pain.
MRI & X-ray images cannot distinguish between subtypes of back pain and chronic issues. MRI findings do not match with the intensity of pain and disability in the case of discogenic back pain.
Interpretive errors by radiologists make these reports extremely subjective, and that can directly impact the diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes.